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 Phoenix Coyotes

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2 participants
[ Kronik ]

[ Kronik ]

Messages : 103
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2008

Phoenix Coyotes Empty
MessageSujet: Phoenix Coyotes   Phoenix Coyotes Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 1:23

Martin Látal R AMA 20 750000* 0 D D C- Like a Star @ heaven
Mikkel Bødker L JNR 18 450000* 0 C- D C- Like a Star @ heaven
Mathieu Brodeur D AMA 20 600000 0 D- C- C- Like a Star @ heaven

Je les signes pour ce qu'ils veulent.
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Messages : 192
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2008
Localisation : Devant EHM

Phoenix Coyotes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Phoenix Coyotes   Phoenix Coyotes Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 18:31

Ils considèrent les trois...
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[ Kronik ]

[ Kronik ]

Messages : 103
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2008

Phoenix Coyotes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Phoenix Coyotes   Phoenix Coyotes Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 18:40

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Messages : 192
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2008
Localisation : Devant EHM

Phoenix Coyotes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Phoenix Coyotes   Phoenix Coyotes Icon_minitimeLun 25 Aoû - 22:11

Martin Látal agrees on a contract.
Martin Látal has signed a $750 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Phoenix Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

Martin Látal R SAN 20 750000 3 48 47 46 44 40 44 60 40 65 47 53 52 47 42 54

Mathieu Brodeur agrees on a contract.
Mathieu Brodeur has signed a $600 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Phoenix Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

A native of Canada, Mathieu Brodeur, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has not yet played at NHL level. The 20 year old defenseman is expecting a good season for the team.

Mathieu Brodeur D SAN 20 600000 3 34 35 37 57 53 53 49 52 72 59 49 68 35 54 57

Mikkel Bødker agrees on a contract.
Mikkel Bødker has signed a $450 000 per year, 3 year deal with the Phoenix Coyotes. Detailed terms of the deal were not announced.

A native of La-la-land, Mikkel Bødker, was originally signed as a free agent to the NHL. He has not yet played at NHL level. The 18 year old left wing is looking forward for the start of the season.

Mikkel Bødker L PHO 18 450000 3 46 53 54 50 49 45 58 49 77 47 48 54 51 48 57
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